Saturday, 28 June 2008

Good News

Finally completed the project for the castle  '1000 Years of Norwich Buildings with Snap the Dragon' Had a good response to the animation from Suzie and the rest of the group (however I feel my presentation was a bit poor) This piece of animation has taken (surprise surprise) alot longer than anticipated, but well worth it. I had a meeting yesterday with the Norwich Heart organisation and it seems they may commission me to expand the animation to include more Norwich buildings and then they would like to put it on their website. Also it may appear on screens in such buildings as the City Hall and Assembly house as part of the 'Year of the dragon' festivities next year which is also a bonus. All these outcomes far exceed any expectations I had when embarking on this project! I'll post the full video on here soon when I have the internet back in my house. I have also sent the finished animation to the castle to see if they may like to use it too. 
Major Project Stuff
After the awkward and time consuming proposal organisation it's full steam ahead now with this. I had a successful time filming this and many thanks to all involved. So, all the live action is sorted. I will now edit it all together and key out all the blue and then start the animation part of the project. This project is exciting for me and I really hope I can produce something good rather than a cheesy protest style video (fingers crossed) Experimented in After Effects with the colour keying and the results were o.k. although I have been advised to colour key in Final Cut Pro. I have little knowlege with this program so it looks like I will be harrassing all and sundry to gain some understanding of this program. I had a go the other day colour keying out the blue and ended up with the band looking ghost-like. So, some attention needed there!

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