Back in Deutchland but there's no rest 'round these parts....
Self Negotiated Project
Been sketching and painting bits and pieces for 'The Very Old man With Enormous Wings' (which from now on I shall refer to as 'Old Man') very confused as to how I shall actually 'do' it. There are so many characters pertinent to the story that it may be too much to create if I am building upwards of 10 puppets. Ideally I would like to keep my initial aim that it's a puppet animation as I would like to see the visual of the wings in motion so-to-speak. I'm not sure if it would work visually if I could build a puppet for the central character and draw the rest. I have also been story boarding and have achieved around an eigth of the tale. I am researching the place in which G.G.Marquez was born - Aracataca, a small town in Columbia for ideas for the backgrounds and settings (also with a colour palette in mind). Yesterday afternoon was spent walking around a cemetary in Wagen, Stuttgart taking photos of angels, in particular their wings for visual references. Alot of work to be done and I hope I don't have to shorten the story to achive my goals within the time set.
Sound Design
So far no good luck with finding a suitable example to analyse or the presentation on Thursday. so far looked at 'Nightmare Before Christmas' which I remember (although being beautifuly animated) drives me 'round the bend with it's musical aspect. So I've ruled that out and had a look at Watership Down (this being one of my favourite films) but no suitable scenes so far. I have the Quay brothers collection at home and will have a look at those too (even though an example we were shown was from this particular collection).
Web design
Checking out many many websites for research - particular standouts for ease, functionality and interactivity (in a band/art and design context) are -
www.lodger.tv (great!)
www.thetoydolls.com (simple, easy, packed FULL of info)
www.guillemots.com (nice flash interaction - BUT annoying as it's not obvious enough to get around)
www.rosinenburg.de (artists website, nice feel and interaction)
www.indenemy.de (nice design,simple)
www.deep-roots.de (good interaction)
www.gestaltbar.de (bit daft but good)
www.fatwreck.com (label website, simple, much info)
In the past week designed a home page (see above), compressed photos and flyers to a smaller image size for a website I'd like to put together. First thoughts are ideally I'd like to have the band website as html and my personal website in flash for interaction and design purposes. Have to keep them simple too!
Also written out a set timetable for all 3 current projects with realistic guidelines (?) now, just have to stick to it and not go off on tangents all over the place. It's all about the focus!
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