Wednesday, 30 July 2008


Here's a shark,

Monday, 28 July 2008

No Sun for me

Discovered the 3d capabilities of AFX, so all steam ahed with the literal add of a new dimension to my project. Must'nt go over the top with it though. Spent all weekend 12 hour days animated scenes with live action, spending hours with keying out the blue and watching the render bar slowly trawl along. Also been practicing a new set, an acoustic version of Goober Patrol, add to that remembering a huge Toy Dolls set.  Off to France for a festival at the weekend, so will work on the hop where I can. Getting edgy! Brain set to implode.

Saturday, 26 July 2008

My dragon stuff and more

I had a meeting the other day with the NEN Dragon group who are organising all the festivities for next years 'Year of The Dragon'  They seemed keen to use my animation for the advertisement for next years events, so hopefully this will transpire. Here's a link to the animation. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Currently trying to assemble the biggest jigsaw puzzle that is my Masters project - but getting there slowly but surely. Will post a link soon to a VERY rough mix of what I've put together so far.

Over and out!

Monday, 21 July 2008

Masters project

So far so good -getting to grips with the massive capabilities of After Effect CS3, especially the key light effect. Had problems with my footage as it seemed to be full of lines which looked rubbish and was informed I should de-interlace the footage. I checked out a tutorial to do this (cheers Graeme) but this looked like alot of hassle and time, so I uploaded the footage all over again and hopefully it will be better quality this time. I've been experimenting with editind the live action with animation and have now found a 'look' to the video which I am happy with and puts across the message well (above image) Still a long way to go, but glad I have a style in which I can apply everything too. have many ideas and am very self aware not to clutter the video up too much.
Also completed some work for The Student pocket Guide just a small edit with ex-Big Brother housemate Carole. She's the new agony aunt for the site/magazine.
Updated the Goober Patrol website and hopefully will sort out getting it online finally tomorrow. Or not, we'll see!
Have an interview this week at the Assembly Rooms with the N.E.N. about possibly using my dragon timeline animation next year for the year of the dragon celebrations. This means if it's used, then it will be shown on screen in the City Hall, Guild Hall and Assembly Rooms. Nice one!

Monday, 7 July 2008


A couple of pictures from shooting the live footage for the music video. Currently editing it together and having a go at keying out the blue. Final Cut proved not so good results and have been advised to key the colour out using After Effects.